Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My First Bday at Thrissur

I wish Appapa was here too..but i know that he is watching over me.

It was not much of an event..but I did have a cake to cut..and a candle that said '1'

Monday, April 18, 2011

My First Cereal Meal

I had sensed that all 'big people' around me including Aryan bhaiya are having yummy stuff to eat...and i'm sort of restricted to just one option...not fair! I demand more options, now that i'm 6 months old (well almost).

Finally after repeated public displays of fascination for food consumed around me…which included incessant lip-smacking and attempt to grab every cup or plate in proximity…I got a taste of food beyond ‘dhudhu’. Ammamma prepared a liquidy paste of boiled rice; though it may not exactly sound tasty for you adult-folks…I found it super-yummy.

Vishu Kani

I woke up and got to see an exciting looking / colourful set of objects...well i cud not make out more than that. Appappa had got up in the morning and arranged was my first Vishu Kani.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My new Rocking! cradle

 Hello there..
 I want to tell you about my new cradle

 I have beautiful flowers on my left..
and also on my right
 I love my new cradle
 Dont you?

 Just lazing around..                                                         

Was this my Fourth month bday gift??..hmm..may be, but I had outgrown & outweighed my earlier craddle.

Thursday, February 10, 2011