Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My first bath

Oh I had my exotic bath session today. The ayurvedic spa treatment was provided by my Ammama (mom's mom). We got past the confusion regarding body oil to be applied, though my doc said to wait alteast for a week, ammama thought otherwise. So I went throught a full routine of Oil-massage, bathwater with Tulsi & Neem leaves, Raasnadi Powder on my head and 'vayambh' preparation on my tongue..after all this I was really tired and dozed off as ammama wrapped me up. I'm told that Aryan Bhaiya came later in the afternoon to see me, but then I was in deep sleep as he held me to take my pix.


  1. I so remember these sessions with S. The day before mom was leaving she wanted me to video tape the whole session so that I would do it right when she was not around. Till today S loves an oil massage.

  2. I think Teah likes taking bath..goes thru the routine without any fuss..some noises that she makes are in the 'favourable category'

  3. ooooh i want one of those spa routines too :)!

  4. yes vijji, I agree. My dream is to go to thrissur spent 3 weeks in a spa and loose 20 kilos. Ha! ha!
